domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009


The differences between the original and the movie aren't many but there is no doubt that there are some; we will put some of them, which we believe are most important:

-in the film is that before Romeo drinks the poison, Juliet wakes up and stretches his hand to hold him and that's when he was drunk and starts to get bad, but still sees her awake, and kiss embraces before dying.

-Also In the end, if Paris had come to the tomb of Juliet as in the book hasn't been so tragic and romantic final.

-The city of Verona is hosting events in both versions, with one big difference between the two, which is that one was written in 1595 and the other late twentieth century...

-The clothing is very different from one era to another and has been seen in the film.

-The book says the battle between the Montague and capulets happening in the city center but in the movie is what happens in a gas station.

-Dialogues are the same, but they removed scenes like the scene in which Romeo is going to buy the poison to apothecary or part of the conversation at the beginning and end of the nurse Juliet tells Romeo that has remained untouched.

- in the movie the beach appears on the other hand in the book not.
- in the movie the narrator is the TV i in the book not.
- in the movie Paris does not die but in the book Romeo kills it in the tomb when he is going to see Juliet.
- the most powerful in the book was the prince but in the movie it was the policeman.

-In the book when they fight, they do it with swords on the other hand in the movie they use firearm.

These parts are removed and they added scenes that weren’t in the book as in celebration, of a young Capulet get to sing or when the friends of Romeo annoy the mother.

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